Brand Built’s Essential Reading List

Marketing · Design · Business · Psychology

  • Look Out

    Orlando Wood

    Technology's rapid pace has made us all turn inward, narrowing our focus and attention. Orlando Wood's "Look Out" uncovers how this tunnel vision is affecting advertising - making it rigid, lifeless, and driving people away. Wood urges advertisers to capture what he calls the 'broad-beam' attention of audiences. To connect, we must look out, embracing human quirks, humor, and the warmth of life. It's about building brands that resonate and stick in people's minds. "Look Out" isn't just a book; it's a much needed wake-up call to the industry.

  • Bill Bernbach said...

    Bill Bernbach

    Never lie to your customer. This collection of quotes from the legend builds a viewpoint in your mind. “A dull truth will not be looked at. An exciting lie will. That is what good, sincere people must understand. They must make their truth exciting and new, or their good works will be born dead.”-Bill Bernbach

    *Out of Print — So it’s super expensive.

  • Good Strategy/Bad Strategy

    Richard Rumelt

    This is where you'll learn to sift through the fluff, and focus on what really matters. For marketers, it's a must-read. It teaches how to pinpoint what needs to be done and create a concrete plan to do it. No vague ideas. No empty buzzwords. Just a clear path to achieving your goals, which is what marketing is all about, isn't it?

  • The Long and the Short of it: Balancing Short and Long-Term Marketing Strategies

    Les Binet and Peter Field

    Balancing short-term sales activation with long-term brand building in marketing is essential for any business wanting to make a long buck. They dive into how businesses can get caught up in quick results, but show that a blend of both short and long-term strategies is key. If you're into marketing, reading this could totally shift your approach, making you think beyond immediate gains and helping you craft strategies that'll make a brand thrive over time.

  • Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (1841)

    Charles Mackay

    A timeless piece of wisdom if I've ever seen one. Mackay digs deep into the heart of human psychology, exploring how people can get caught up in financial bubbles, mass hysteria, and groupthink.

    It's a lesson in human behavior, teaching you how to avoid the crowd's mistakes. It's marketing wisdom wrapped in history's wild tales.

  • The Brain Audit

    Sean D’Souza

    A concrete, step-by-step guide to understanding what triggers a sale. D'Souza lays it all out, showing you the seven steps inside the brain that need to be unlocked to make a sale. Marketers, if you're wandering in the dark trying to figure out your audience, grab this book.

  • Hey Whipple, Squeeze This: The Classic Guide to Creating Great Advertising

    Luke Sullivan

    Very entertaining read and a real gem for anyone wanting to get into advertising. Luke Sullivan breaks down how to make ads that actually connect with people and not just annoy them. It's like a playbook for dodging common mistakes and making stuff that resonates – definitely worth a read if you want to get creative in the ad game.

  • Influence

    Robert Cialdini

    This book has become essential reading in marketing circles. You may have intuitive many things in this book, while others will blow your mind. It’s a great primer in understanding how we humans operate and discern quality and value.

  • 100M Offers

    Alex Hormozi

    If Alex Hormozi is anything, he’s a master salesman. This book captures his spirited approach, along with practical examples, and a deeper understanding of how to position offers for us not so natural salespeople. Highly recommended reading.